industrial yogurt mayonnaise cosmetic making machine paste agitator mixer homogenizer soap mixing machine
وصف المنتجات
مجداف الخلط
تنظيم سرعة تحويل التردد 0-62r/min, سيتم تصميم شكل الشفرات وفقًا للمواد الخاصة بك.
تنظيم سرعة تحويل التردد 0-3000r/min, رأس قص متجانس مواد قص عالية السرعة, بحيث تتكسر المواد وتختلط تماماً!
Electric heating or steam heating can be
selected, and the material is heated through the interlayer to achieve the ideal stirring and emulsification state.
selected, and the material is heated through the interlayer to achieve the ideal stirring and emulsification state.
وحدة التحكم
The control panel displays and controls the equipment temperature, خلط, التجانس, بيانات الضغط, إلخ. in real time. (Optional PLC control )
علبة كهرباء
Use internationally renowned brand components to ensure the quality of the equipment and longer service life
We will design drawings according to your requirements and provide one-stop solutions.
Semi-Automatic PET Bottle Blowing Machine Bottle Making Machine Bottle Moulding Machine
PET Bottle Making Machine is suitable for producing PET plastic containers and bottles in all shapes.
PET Bottle Making Machine is suitable for producing PET plastic containers and bottles in all shapes.
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