Línea de producción de cosméticos de alta calidad lista para ser enviada a Jiangxi, Porcelana

In September, our company participated in the Guangzhou Beauty Expo, mainly to show customers our emulsifying machine, mezclador, filling, tapando, and labeling integrated machine, as well as undertaking production lines for cosmetics, medicamento, washing products, and daily chemicals. Thanks to American customers for their support to our company, ViSona LLC placed an order for us at the exhibition site, including three 2000L mixing vacuum mixing tanks and various accessories produced by shampoo.

High quality cosmetic production line ready to be sent to Jiangxi, Porcelana.

West Zhongke Baishi Pharmaceutical Co., Limitado. is a professional cosmetic and pharmaceutical production company. This company ordered the entire production line from us: vacuum emulsifying machine, liquid dispensing tank, mezclador, storage tank, conveyor belt, trough mixing, 3D mixing, etc.. This line can produce 20 tons of shampoo or shower gel a day. 1 ton cream product.

This line is easy to install and has strong product applicability. Suitable for all kinds of cosmetic production………………………………………………

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+86 13825066178
Correo electrónico:
+86 13825066178
+86 020-32547151
+86 13825066178


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