Factory Customized moisturizing cream Mild Lotion Suntan Oil cosmetic emulsifying homogenizer mixer mixing tanks with agitator

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Factory Customized moisturizing cream Mild Lotion Suntan Oil cosmetic emulsifying homogenizer mixer mixing tanks with agitator
cosmetic emulsifying homogenizer mixer,moisturizing cream

◭Die Allround-Mischung zum Schaben von Wänden nutzt den Frequenzumrichter zur Geschwindigkeitsanpassung , so that high quality productsofdifferent processes according to customer requirements.

◭The diversified high-speed homogenizer can powerfully mix solid and liquid raw materials and can rapidly dissolvemanyindissoluble materials such as AES , AESA , LSA , usw. during the liquid detergent production process so as to save energy consumpion and shorten production period.◭The pot body is welded by imported three-layer stainless steel plate. Der Tankkörper und die Rohre sind mittorpoliert , which fully conforms to GMP requirements.◭According to customer requirement , Der Tank kann Materialien erwärmen und kühlen. Die Heizmethode umfasst Dampfheizung und Elektroheizung. Leicht zu entladen , Direktaustrag von unten oder mit Transferpumpe.
cosmetic emulsifying homogenizer mixer,moisturizing cream
cosmetic emulsifying homogenizer mixer,moisturizing cream
cosmetic emulsifying homogenizer mixer,moisturizing cream
cosmetic emulsifying homogenizer mixer,moisturizing cream
Our advantages

25 Jahre: Guangzhou Guanyu Machinery Co.Ltd has been engaged in research and manufacture of machinery for medical, food and industrial chemicals for 27 Jahre.

◭ Our own factory: Our factory has 7000 square meters, mehr als 100 workers, and 6 machine production lines, including machine manufacturing, polishing, and testing.
◭ Customized Machinery: Zu unseren Hauptprodukten gehören Emulgiermaschinen mit festem Vakuum, mobile homogenizers, alle Arten von Reaktionsrührkesseln.
◭ Applicable Products: They are suitable for making cream, Lotion, liquid products, including face cream, ointments, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Marmelade, hand soap, shampoo etc.
◭ Certifications: CE, GMP, UL and patented technology certificates.
cosmetic emulsifying homogenizer mixer,moisturizing cream
cosmetic emulsifying homogenizer mixer,moisturizing cream
cosmetic emulsifying homogenizer mixer,moisturizing cream
cosmetic emulsifying homogenizer mixer,moisturizing cream
cosmetic emulsifying homogenizer mixer,moisturizing cream
cosmetic emulsifying homogenizer mixer,moisturizing cream
cosmetic emulsifying homogenizer mixer,moisturizing cream
cosmetic emulsifying homogenizer mixer,moisturizing cream


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