
stainless steel storage containers for kitchen Factory price sanitary food liquid storing vessel customized drum jacketed insulated stainless steel storage tank

stainless steel storage containers for kitchen Factory price sanitary food liquid storing vessel customized drum jacketed insulated stainless steel storage tank attaches great importance to technological innovation in the research and development process.It can be extensively used for Chemical Storage Equipment.What’s more,It is made of material which is environment-friendly, safe and durable for long-term use.


stainless steel storage containers for kitchen Factory price sanitary food liquid storing vessel customized drum jacketed insulated stainless steel storage tank

In Guangzhou Guanyu Machinery Co.,Ltd, our creative employees including R&D experts and technicians largely contribute to the successful development of Factory price sanitary food liquid storing vessel customized drum jacketed insulated stainless steel storage tank. We expect great profitability from the product release can benefit all customers. Well-integrated use of technologies contributes to the high-efficiency manufacturing process.It has been proved that the product is indispensable in the field(s) of Chemical Storage Equipment. Guangzhou Guanyu Machinery Co.,Ltd will strive toward excellence by building our working principles of guaranteeing quality for survival and seeking innovation for development, into everything we deliver. We are confident that we will overcome all the difficulties and obstacles to make a success in the end.

适用行业:酒店, Garment Shops, 建材店, 制造工厂, 机械修理店, 食物 & 饮料厂, 农场, 餐厅, 家庭使用, 零售, 食品店, 印刷店, 建设工程 , 活力 & 矿业, 食物 & 饮料店, Advertising Company, Construction WorksMax Working Pressure(兆帕):0.5 兆帕
营销类型:新产品 2020核心部件保修:1 年
核心组件:可编程逻辑控制器, 引擎, 轴承, 变速箱, 发动机, 压力容器, 齿轮, 泵容量:100-15000L
发源地:粤, 中国品牌:GUANYU
保修单:1 年主要卖点:Long Service Life
陈列室位置:德国, 巴西, 沙特阿拉伯, 印度尼西亚, 印度, 墨西哥, 俄罗斯, 肯尼亚, 阿根廷, 韩国, 斯里兰卡, 孟加拉国材料:不锈钢
类型:Water Storage Tank产品名称:Storage Tank
姓名:Stainless Steel Liquid Storage Tank应用:Chemcial Storage
Usage:StoreMedium:Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Keywords:Cryogenic Storage TankItem:Liquid Cryogenic Storage Tank
功能:Temperature Keepingcooling Liquid提供售后服务:视频技术支持, 在线支持
保修后服务:视频技术支持, 在线支持当地服务地点:没有任何


stainless steel storage containers for kitchen
The structure of tank
1. Adopt structure of internal tank and external package, with heat preservation materials inside.
2. Miller board jacket cooling design for keeping freshness and quality of dairy products.
3. Humanized design of door hole and easy to operate.
4. Transition area of interior wall on tank adopts arc for transition to ensure no dead corner of sanitary.

The introduction of tank
1. Quick open manhole
2. Equipped with the CIP cleaning .
3. Adjustable triangular bracket .
4 Dismountable materials input pipe assembly .
5. Can be equipped with thermometer if your request .
6. 夹克(miller board , hollow jacket or coil pipe jacket are available according to your request )
7. Liquid level meter and level controller (according to your request )

stainless steel storage containers for kitchen
stainless steel storage containers for kitchen
stainless steel storage containers for kitchen
stainless steel storage containers for kitchen
stainless steel storage containers for kitchen
stainless steel storage containers for kitchen
stainless steel storage containers for kitchen
stainless steel storage containers for kitchen
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额定 5.0 在......之外 5

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