
cream filling machine automatic Customized Automatic Facial Mask Filling Machine manufacturers From China | GUANYU

Automatic Facial Mask Filling Machine compared with similar products on the market, 在性能方面具有无可比拟的突出优势, 质量, 外貌, ETC。, 并在市场上享有良好的声誉。冠宇总结了以往产品的缺陷, 并不断改进它们. The specifications of Automatic Facial Mask Filling Machine can be customized according to your needs.

is a kind of product that combines both functions and aesthetics. It is designed to be a reasonable structure and exquisite appearance, excellent enough to catch people’s eyes. Made of raw materials that have passed the quality tests, it is special with the excellent performance.


cream filling machine automatic Customized Automatic Facial Mask Filling Machine manufacturers From China | GUANYU


1.你是公司吗? 或工厂?
我们有一个工厂, 我们的工厂在扬州, jiangsu province. 我们在广州有展厅, 广东省.
我们相信与客户同舟共济,实现双赢. 所以我们不仅仅是机械生产商, 我们可以提供完整的项目, 我们也可以帮助客户解决问题.
3.这是我第一次进口, 如果我向你们订购,我如何才能信任你们公司并确保收到货物?
我们是阿里巴巴合法认证公司 (贵宾), 我们支持付款条件: 信用证. 第三方托管, 确保您的安全.


1.多于 5 国际售后服务点, 提供一站式安装调试服务.
2.这 7*24 专业客服团队全年提供全天候服务.
3.提供强大的OEM ODM加工能力 ,拥有非常强大的设计团队,满足客户需求.
4.所有产品在发货前都会经过测试, 并拍摄视频给客户检查.


Guangzhou Guanyu Machinery Co., 有限公司, 建立在 2010, 是一家从事研发的专业制造商, 生产, 真空乳化机的销售与服务, 搅拌机和灌装机. 致力于严格的质量控制和周到的客户服务, 我们经验丰富的员工随时可以讨论您的要求并确保客户完全满意. , 不断努力为客户提供优质的产品和优质的服务. 7*24小时专业客服团队全年无休提供全天候服务,赢得了众多客户的好评. 无论是从我们的目录中选择当前产品还是为您的应用寻求工程帮助, 您可以与我们的客户服务中心讨论您的采购需求,我们将为您提供最专业的服务. 欢迎世界各地的最终用户和经销商与我们联系以获得最佳结果.

Guangzhou Guanyu Machinery Co.,Ltd is engaged in offering a broad assortment of Filling Machines. We have been constantly developing new technologies to manufacture value-added Factory Manufacture Automatic 4/6 Nozzles Facial Mask Filling and Sealing Machine Packaging Machine.It can be widely found in the application field(s) of Filling Machines. Having collected customersneeds and analyzed trends, we have spent a lot in developing new and versatile features of Filling Machines in innovative ways.And the Vacuum Emulsifing Mixer/ machine, 搅拌罐, 灌装旋盖机, 包装机, Labeling Machin is designed to be unique and attractive enough to catch people’s attention.

类型:灌装机适用行业:酒店, 食物 & 饮料厂, 零售, 食物 & 饮料店, 其他, 化妆品&Chemical Factory
陈列室位置:巴西, 印度尼西亚, 印度, 泰国, 哥伦比亚, china健康)状况:新的
应用:饮料, 化学, 商品, 食物, 机械 & 硬件, MEDICAL包装类型:Bags, 纸箱, case, Pouch, Stand-up Pouch
用于包装的材料:Metal, 塑料, 木头自动分级:自动的
驱动型:气动电压:220伏/380V 50HZ
发源地:粤, 中国品牌:Guanyu
方面(长*宽*高):2920*1150*1710mm重量:600 公斤
保修单:1 年主要卖点:High Productivity
机械能力:12000前列腺肥大填充材料:啤酒, 牛奶, 水, 油, 果汁, 其他
灌装精度:99%营销类型:新产品 2020
核心部件保修:1 年核心组件:发动机, 可编程逻辑控制器, 引擎
产品名称:Automatic facial masking filling and sealing machine容量:6500~7500pcs/H
功能:Facial mask filling and sealingFilling machine grade:自动的
Filling material:Flowing LiquidUsage:Liquid filling and sealing
Filled product:Facial mask lotions/liquid灌装量:5~50ml


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cream filling machine automatic
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cream filling machine automatic
cream filling machine automatic
cream filling machine automatic
cream filling machine automatic
cream filling machine automatic
cream filling machine automatic
cream filling machine automatic
cream filling machine automatic
cream filling machine automatic
Product nameAutomatic facial mask filling and packing/sealing machineFilling heads No6 heads(6 heads work individually)填充
heads available2 heads,4 头,6 头,8头,etcCapacity6500~7500pcs/hourMainly unctionsautomatic facial mask bag
feeding-automatic filling-automatic sealing/packing-automatic printing-automatic discharging Additional functionsautomatic
self-checking,automatic alrming,no bag machine stop arrangement,etc.Facial mask bag size90~165mm(宽度),120~220mm(长度)填充
accuracy±0.1gPLC Siemens or Delta or MitsubishiPneumatic elementJapan SMCFacial mask size2210*1350*2040mm(长*宽*高)
cream filling machine automatic
cream filling machine automatic
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