
sauce making machine Best Petroleum Jelly Making Machine Mixer Liquid detergent mixer Company - GUANYU

Petroleum Jelly Making Machine Mixer Liquid detergent mixer compared with similar products on the market, 在性能方面具有无可比拟的突出优势, 质量, 外貌, ETC。, and enjoys a good reputation in the market.sauce making machine

GUANYU summarizes the defects of past products, 并不断改进它们. The specifications of Petroleum Jelly Making Machine Mixer Liquid detergent mixer can be customized according to your needs.

Manufacturing 500~2000L Petroleum Jelly Making Machine Mixer Chemical Grease Margarine Mixing Tank requires flexible craftsmanship and high-end technologies.The product is suitable for a wide range of industries like Mixing Equipment.


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首先 , 我们的包装是标准运输, 登录前, 请确保产品完好无损, 否则, 请在 2 天内与我们联系, 我们已经为您购买了保险, 我们或船公司将负责!
2.型号太多了, 我不知道该选择哪一个.
欢迎通过贸易经理联系我们, 我们会根据您的要求推荐. 如果在关门时间或周末, 请发邮件给我们, 我们将在以下时间内回复 24 小时.
3.你是公司吗? 或工厂?
我们有一个工厂, 我们的工厂在扬州, jiangsu province. 我们在广州有展厅, 广东省.


1.多于 5 国际售后服务点, 提供一站式安装调试服务.
2.这 7*24 专业客服团队全年提供全天候服务.
3.我们公司是一家工厂 , 30多年行业经验, 以优惠的价格和专业的服务.
4.提供强大的OEM ODM加工能力 ,拥有非常强大的设计团队,满足客户需求.


Guangzhou Guanyu Machinery Co., 有限公司, 建立在 2010, 是一家从事研发的专业制造商, 生产, 真空乳化机的销售与服务, 搅拌机和灌装机. sauce making machine
致力于严格的质量控制和周到的客户服务, 我们经验丰富的员工随时可以讨论您的要求并确保客户完全满意. , 不断努力为客户提供优质的产品和优质的服务. sauce making machine
7*24小时专业客服团队全年无休提供全天候服务,赢得了众多客户的好评. sauce making machine
无论是从我们的目录中选择当前产品还是为您的应用寻求工程帮助, 您可以与我们的客户服务中心讨论您的采购需求,我们将为您提供最专业的服务. sauce making machine
End-users and distributors around the world are welcome to contact us for great results.sauce making machine

To keep up with the industry development, all employees of Guangzhou Guanyu Machinery Co.,Ltd have been doing their utmost to develop new products for days. Our company has been investing heavily in R&D and upgrades of technologies. This has given initial results eventually. sauce making machine

As 500~2000L Petroleum Jelly Making Machine Mixer Chemical Grease Margarine Mixing Tank advantages are discovered continually, it has been widely used in the field(s) 混合设备. The design of 500~2000L Petroleum Jelly Making Machine Mixer Chemical Grease Margarine Mixing Tank is carefully thought to fit the market trend, keeping us one step ahead of other manufacturers. sauce making machine

It is made of raw materials that have been tested by our QC inspectors. By processing those materials with improved technologies, we ensure the product has so many advantages .Vacuum Emulsifing Mixer/ machine, 搅拌罐, 灌装旋盖机, 包装机, Labeling Machin will bring convenience and benefits to customers.sauce making machine

搅拌机类型:Mixing桶容积 (L):3000 L
加工材料:塑料, 化学品, 食物, 药品, 化妆品最大限度. 装载量 (L):5000 L
主轴转速范围(转速):1 – 63 转速最大限度. 装载能力:5000L
重量 (公斤):3000 公斤材料:SUS304, SUS316L, Polypropylene, 不锈钢 304 / SUS316L
健康)状况:新的产品类别:化妆品,化学,制药,food etc
应用:Liquid with Suspended Solids附加功能:Heating/Dispersing/etc
发源地:粤, 中国品牌:GUANYU
力量 (千瓦):3 千瓦保修单:1 年
主要卖点:安全等级高适用行业:制造工厂, 食物 & 饮料厂, 化妆品
陈列室位置:印度尼西亚, 泰国, 马来西亚, 没有任何营销类型:新产品 2020
核心部件保修:1 年核心组件:发动机, 齿轮, 压力容器, 变速箱, 泵, 可编程逻辑控制器, 轴承, 引擎
产品名称:Mixing Tank MachineUsage:加热,混合,homogenizing,ETC
适用范围:Chemical Cosmetic Food Pharmacy加热方式:Electric /Steam Heating
控制:Button Control/PLC夹克:3 层数(选修的)
起订量:1 放提供售后服务:在线支持, 视频技术支持, 免费备件, 现场安装, 调试和培训, 现场维护和维修服务
保修后服务:视频技术支持, 在线支持, 备件, 现场维护和维修服务当地服务地点:印度尼西亚, 泰国, 马来西亚, 没有任何


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sauce making machine

500~2000L Petroleum Jelly Making Machine Mixer Chemical Grease Margarine Mixing Tank

◭Stainless Steel Mixing Tank has mixing agitator,bottom homogenizer,stainless steel jacket tank shell,发动机,electric control box,operation platform,staircase,ETC.

◭The scraper type agitator mixing adopts the frequency converter for speed adjustment , 以便根据客户要求生产不同工艺的高品质产品.
◭The tank body is welded by imported three-layer stainless steel plate. The tank body and the pipes adopt mirror polishing or matte finish , 完全符合GMP要求.

◭根据客户要求 , 罐体可加热和冷却物料. 加热方式有蒸汽加热和电加热. 易于放电 , 底部直接排放或通过输送泵排放.

◭We can choose PLC automatic control system ,or manual button control box,it depends upon your demand.
Product Show
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500L+1000L Mixing Tank
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Mixing Tank Agitator
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sauce making machine
sauce making machine
sauce making machine
sauce making machine
sauce making machine
sauce making machine
sauce making machine
Business License/ CE Certificate /ISO 9001/etc

CE Certificate for Mixer ,Emulsifer,灌装机,ETC.

Patent Certificates for Mixer, Vacuum Emulsifier Machine,灌装机,Facial Mask filing and sealing machine,ETC
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sauce making machine
包装 & Shipping
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